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Get-rich-quick scheme uses “Deepfake” technology to impersonate celebrities, politicians, business l

Get-rich-quick scheme uses “Deepfake” technology to impersonate celebrities, politicians, business leaders

Get-rich-quick scheme uses “Deepfake” technology to impersonate celebrities, politicians, business leaders

July 25, 2022

Rockford, IL – July 20, 2022 – New technology makes it nearly impossible to tell fake video or audio clips from real ones. The Deepfake technology creates fake videos and photos and can even edit verbal messages. As the software used to create these “deepfakes” becomes more widespread, scammers will use it to their advantage to steal money and sensitive information. Fake ads and endorsements are common on the internet, but now scammers with the proper technology can create an altered message making a video endorsement look real. 
“Seeing is no longer believing when it comes to what you may be viewing or hearing on the internet,“ says Dennis Horton, director of the Rockford Regional Office of the Better Business Bureau. Click here to continue reading.